How To Get Paid Just To Be Yourself

How To Get Paid Just To Be Yourself

Writing what you think and thinking how you write and feeling how you feel and doing what you feel – It’s all part of showing up It’s all part of your message Getting up, writing, sharing, BEING YOU – It’s all part of your message What you’re thinking about right now, what you really want to say, but have been shy about speaking about, THAT is what you really need to say. Listen, people aren’t expecting you to be perfect. They don’t expect you to have your shit together all the time. They don’t expect you to never make mistakes. They don’t expect you to never have a bad day. But they do expect you to show up and SAY SOMETHING. Every day. Because what you have to say, they need to hear right in that moment. Even if it seems insignificant to you, it’s significant to them. That voice inside your head right now is leading the way. Pay attention. It’s trying to take you down the path you’re supposed to go. Stop fighting it. When I tell people they need to show up and share their message all day, every day, they don’t know what that means. And when they do finally get the picture, they still fuck it up because they try to make the message come across “just right”. They don’t just speak what is SPOKEN to them in their mind. When I show up every day and write, like I am doing right now, I don’t have a plan. I don’t know what is going to come out. I just write. Sometimes it takes...