3 Steps To Setting Goals You Will Actually Accomplish

3 Steps To Setting Goals You Will Actually Accomplish

Step 1: Set the right goals When coming up with a goal, you need to first determine if it’s the RIGHT goal for you. This can be done by asking yourself the following questions: Am I setting this goal because I believe I’m SUPPOSED to? Or because I WANT to? Am I setting this goal for me or for someone else? What will happen if I achieve this goal? Is that what I REALLY want? Am I willing to sacrifice time and/or money to achieve this goal? Why is achieving this goal so important to me? Your goals need to have meaning. They need to be important and they need to be important to YOU. Ask yourself the above questions for every goal you set and you’ll be able to tell if it’s a goal worth shooting for or not. Step 2: Go all in This is where the magic happens. And this is where most people fail, because they put forth half-assed efforts. Commit to going ALL THE WAY IN on your goals. What this means? You show up every day of the week and do the work necessary to get the result you want. You treat achieving your goal as a top priority in your life. You invest time and/or money into achieving your goal quickly. You do NOT make excuses, ever. You simply do the work and make it happen. Going all in on your goals ensures that you will not only accomplish them, but that you will accomplish them and actually get the results you really want! Step 3: Be held accountable If you are...
When Soulmate Clients Come To You

When Soulmate Clients Come To You

When Soulmate Clients Come To You - NO CHASING REQUIRED I have this aversion to chasing clients. Like… I just don’t wanna do it. It feels gross - chasing people all over the internet saying “hey, wanna hire me? i can help you! yay! what do ya think?”. I used to do this. I was told I had to. So I tried it a couple of times and I felt like I needed a cold shower after I did it. It was a continual conversation. I wouldn’t chase the clients and I’d be told “Cassie, you have to go to them. You have to follow up. You have to show them what you have.” And I just.. didn’t. I refused. I decided a long time ago that I wasn’t going to chase clients. That they would come to me instead. And now they do. I rarely follow up. Only when I feel called to. But mostly, I just do my own thing, and people message me on social media, or send me an email, and ask how to pay me. And that’s what I want you to know – You can do it your way. You can break the rules. (Who made these rules anyway? And why are we listening to them? Who made them the boss?) You can work with whoever you want. You can charge whatever prices you want. You don’t have to do sales calls. Or webinars. Or long launches. You can do it the way that feels good to you. And if you’re not feelin’ it anymore, you can change it all up again. There...
Yesterday I Implemented My First Ever Money Monday Session

Yesterday I Implemented My First Ever Money Monday Session

Yesterday I implemented my first ever Money Monday session. It was essentially a date between me & my money.  I do this stuff normally, but I rarely go as in depth as I did yesterday, and I often just focus on surface-level money stuff (tracking income, planning sales activities, etc.). One of my intentions for this year was to rapidly increase profitability in my business, invest my money in high-return money-making opportunities, and focus on long-term growth, instead of just fast cash. Yesterday was the start of that process. In just a few hours I was able to –  Come up with 3 big money-making ideas Cut $324 in unnecessary monthly expenses Get clarity around biz taxes and what’s upcoming Identify ways I can utilize specific credit cards to save money & earn free rewards Update biz income / sales report Plan sales activities for the week Print & organize receipts (instead of putting it off for months and having to spend hours doing it one day!) Read / learn about taking my wealth to the next level It was an insanely productive day and it ignited a fire inside of me that I didn’t realize had burnt out.  I now have a strategic plan for future money dates so that I continue to increase my knowledge around massive wealth creation and implement systems and structures in my business and life to massively increase the money I make (and get to keep). I know exactly what areas to focus on each week so that I’m saving, investing, learning, and earning in a way that takes my money and financial...
Getting Your Customers Excited To Pay You

Getting Your Customers Excited To Pay You

I realized not too long ago that the stuff I used to do way back in the day, with my couponing and blog stuff, that all of the things I did to make money, are the same things I do now. I show up every day and engage with my community. I create and share new content all day, every day. I deliver massive value consistently, without even trying. The only thing I didn’t do back then, that is a part of my non-negotiables now, is daily sales activity. But the sales activity ain’t gonna provide results for you, if you aren’t first creating content, showing up daily, giving value, speaking, engaging, etc. Over time, I grew my lil’ couponing blog to one of the TOP couponing blogs in all of Canada. People talked about me all across social media as being one of the best couponers in the country. News outlets came to my home and filmed me for the newspaper and television. I was THE top expert that everyone wanted to learn from , but not because I was the best couponer in the world.. because I was VISIBLE. I provided damn good value and I provided a lot of it every single day. People followed me because they saw the value I was providing. They trusted me. They liked me. And so they kept coming back for more. I only wish I had practiced sales more back then, ha! All of the stuff that I did back then to make money (the blog regularly generated around $100K cash each year), is the exact same stuff I...
In grade school, I took up smoking to be cool.

In grade school, I took up smoking to be cool.

In grade school, I took up smoking to be cool. It didn’t work. The cool kids were lame anyways. I flirted with boys I didn’t like because I didn’t want to be called a prude. I hung out with people who were evil fucking humans because they were popular. I bit my tongue when I heard other people talking smack about someone else, instead of defending them. I saw people being taken advantage of and said nothing. I didn’t want to be a “rat”. I said and did things that make me sick to my stomach. I was a total fucking hyprocrite for years, saying I was SO against the things I was secretly doing behind closed doors. I drank Peach Schnapps straight from the bottle in the basement of someone’s house I didn’t know. I walked the streets all night with a friend nightly, often barefoot, hiding in ditches when we saw car lights headed our way, to avoid being snatched and assaulted. I met strange men in person that I’d only ever talked to online, a lot of the time I’d only ever spoken to them once. One time I ended up at someone’s apartment and found a gun under the pillow on their bed. I kept visiting him. I went to a news reporter’s home, by myself, with his cameraman, and he filmed me in his living room. He thankfully didn’t chop me up into small pieces and bury me in his backyard. He could have. (It’s still weird to see his face on the news.) I tried so fucking hard to be liked. I did...